Condo Building Inspections and Depreciation Report Analysis

Home Check provides interpretation and analysis of a Strata’s Depreciation Report. When providing this service, it is helpful to have the latest Financial Statement and the AGM minutes of the Strata Corporation. This reveals the financial direction that the Strata Corporation is following and how they are reacting to Capital Cost Projections in the Depreciation Report.

Strata unit inspections are done in 3 parts, inspect the individual strata unit, record general observations of the Building Capitol Assets, than verbally describe the conclusions and the Financial Scenario Projections of the Depreciation Report. Major discrepancies between the Depreciation Report Projections and actual on-site building inspection of the Capital Asset’s condition and implications are explained. Please call our office for a inspection quote

We also offer the following Depreciation Report analysis options:

We will phone the client to verbally describe and answer questions about the Depreciation Report Financial Scenarios and implications.

We will provide a written interpretation and an analysis with a strata document review. Please email our office for a quote at or call us on 778-351-1928.

The interpretation and analysis of the Depreciation Report and Strata Corporation financial/AGM documents are all done by Russell Cass, a Registered Reserve Fund Analyst (RRFA), the only one on the island, Certified Building Technician (CTech) and Certified Property Inspector (CPI) registered with Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of B.C. (ASTTBC). The site building inspector will explain the Depreciation Report interpretation and analysis that has been completed prior to the site building inspection.

Our other home inspectors, Eric Ponsford, Raine Becker, Chad Dennison, and Joey Boulanger, are Certified House Inspectors (CHI) registered with Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of B.C. (ASTTBC) and all are in the process of working toward the designation of Certified Building Technician (CTech).